Team Deloitte • Texas MS 150

Team Deloitte is made up of Deloitte people and our friends and family — cyclists, volunteers, and supporters committed to ending Multiple Sclerosis forever through the Texas MS 150. Ride with us

Four riders on the Deloitte Team, at the Texas MS150 bike ride

About Team Deloitte

Team Deloitte is more than 200 cyclists and volunteers dedicated to ending MS forever. Each year from our Houston and Austin offices, we work to raise funds, build community and spread awareness about MS. From our dual-starts in Katy and Austin to the celebrations at our tent in La Grange, to rolling across the finish line at Kyle Field, we are out to make an impact and to have a great time doing it.

Texas 150 Bike Ride Finish Line

About the Texas MS 150

The Texas MS 150 is the single largest fundraiser for Multiple Sclerosis in the world. Thousands of riders cover more than 150 miles to the College Station finish line, helped along by more than 3,500 volunteers and tens of thousands of contributors and spectators. This year’s ride takes place on April 29th and 30th and is set to bring in more than $12 million dollars for the National MS Society. Everyone rides the Texas MS 150 for their own reasons, but we are united by one goal: a world free of MS.

Houston Team Deloitte 2022

How to Join

Sign up for the Texas MS 150 - get outside, spend time with friends, improve your fitness, and become a part of the movement to end MS forever! To join, follow this link and click on the “Join our Team” link. If you work for Deloitte, that's it - set your goal and you’re ready to roll! If you are joining the team as a friend, family member or part of a partner team, please take one last step and go to our storefront. Select non-Deloitte Rider Fee and pay the $80 - this gets you a Deloitte jersey and overnight accomodations in our festive La Grange tent.

Team Deloitte Needs You

Not up for riding but still want to be a part of Team Deloitte? We need your support! To make a donation to the MS Society on behalf of the team or on behalf of an individual rider, just go to our team page. We’re also looking for volunteers - everything from transportation to planning to food to the finish line - just let us know what you’re interested in and we’ll be in touch with details!

2023 Deloitte Jersey

Team Deloitte Jersey — Required to Ride

Every rider on Team Deloitte wears a Deloitte jersey. The minimum required to ride is one jersey, though many prefer to have two on hand so there’s a fresh jersey for day two without all that rinsing and hanging to dry. Order your jersey online in our store. All sizes available until March 1st. From March through the week before the ride, Jersey orders will be limited to in-stock only.

Riding in Last Year’s Kit

No problem to ride in a prior-year Deloitte MS 150 jersey! It’s a great step to reduce waste and we love seeing the history of our designs out on the road.

Route Details

Riders will start from either Houston or Austin, ride to La Grange, and then ride together from La Grange to College Station on Day 2.


For the 2023 ride, our Houston starting point will be the starting line hosted by the MS Society at the Royal School Complex - here is a link to the the Day 1 route. The official start of the ride is there, so we’ll be able to utilize the MS Society offerings and leave with the other participants. Keep an eye out for the Deloitte banners so that we can all meet and ride together! Each Team Deloitte rider will need to drop off their luggage with the MS Society transport at the starting line – then you will be able to pick it up from the storage area in La Grange. To arrange for travel from La Grange back to Houston, reserve a bus ride with the National MS Society here. The trip back includes transport for your bike and luggage as well, and will drop off back at the Royal School Complex.


Riders starting in Austin will meet up at the starting line at Congress and 11th street, right in front of the capitol. We’ll meet up at 6:00 AM in front of the Quiznos on Congress, a block south of the starting line and then head to the starting line together. Be sure to get there early to drop off your bag with the MS Luggage team. The MS Society will transport bags for us to pick up in La Grange, and from La Grange to the finish line on day two. To arrange for travel from La Grange back to Austin, reserve a bus ride with the National MS Society. The trip back includes transport for your bike and luggage as well, and will drop off back at the starting line at 11th and Congress.

The start of the Texas MS 150 in LaGrange


You need to raise at least $400 to ride the Texas MS 150 - now that the MS Society has linked up to enable Facebook fundraisers, getting to $400 (and beyond) will go quicker than you think.

Once you’ve raised the $400, you’re eligible for packet pick up – for riders that meet the minimum before team pick up (usually about three weeks before the ride), we can pick up your packet and get it to you in the office. For other packet pick up options, see the Texas MS 150 site - detailed packet pick up opportunities will be posted soon. In your packets are numbers and instructions - one goes on your jersey, one on your helmet, one on your luggage, a couple go on your bike, and the wristband goes on your wrist.

Click Here to See Day by Day Details

Day 1: La Grange

Whether you’re riding from Austin or Houston, we’ll all end up in the same place after the first day of riding: The Fayette County Fairground in La Grange. We’ll update this site with our tent location as soon as we get it confirmed - it’ll be easy to find in the fairgrounds. Drop your bike off right outside the tent, come on inside, enjoy the food and drinks and kick back after a long haul on the bike.

Early Sunday morning, the lights will come back up, and it’s back in the saddle. Breakfast will be at the tent, and then we’ll load up our bags and head out to the La Grange start line for Day 2.

Day 2: College Station

Day two ends at Kyle Field - be ready for a warm Aggie welcome as you roll in. Getting home is up to you - either get on one of the MS Society-arranged busses back to Austin or Houston, or catch a ride with friends or family from the finish line.

Deloitte cyclist riding his bike as fans blow bubbles

Packing List

Packing for La Grange can be a bit intimidating the first time through. You’ve got a max of two bags (including your cot). We’re here to make it easier.

You and your bike:

  • Bike and Saddle Bag
    • Bike in good working order
    • Water bottles
    • Spare tube, tire levers, CO2
    • Reflectors or light (especially if riding from Katy hotels on Saturday)
    • The Texas MS 150 identifying numbers from your packet
  • You and Your Pockets
    • Helmet, gloves, bike shorts, bike shoes, Team Deloitte jersey
    • Colder weather gear (knee warmers, arm warmers) if needed - layers!
    • Sunglasses
    • Snacks if you want to supplement the rest stops
    • Phone
    • Your rider number pinned to jersey and rider wristband from your packet
  • La Grange Bag
    • Street clothes for La Grange (and PJ’s for the overnight)
    • Kit (shorts/jersey/socks) for day two
    • Chargers for your phone & bike computer - bring a battery if you have one
    • Toiletries and towel
    • Sleeping bag and pillow
    • Cot or mat to sleep on (twin air mattress ok too, but cot is easier)
    • Shower shoes
a new bike

Buying a Bike

Whether you’re considering your first bike or adding a bike to the stable, we are a community with ideas to share.

As a quick primer for first timers, we offer the following bits of collective wisdom:

  • The Texas MS 150 is easiest if you have a road bike, characterized by curved handlebars, multiple gears, and relatively narrow tires. These bikes are easier to ride for long distances since they offer lighter weight, a more efficient ride, and multiple hand positions.
  • Ride before you buy if possible. Find a good local bike shop and try out different bikes before you settle on the one you love. Bike store people LOVE to help, and love it when new people get engaged.
  • Use your fitness subsidy! Deloitte covers 100% of fitness purchases up to $1,000 per year, including a new bike, or new parts for your existing bike.
  • Don’t be afraid of entry-level bikes. Road bikes selling for less than $1,000 today are built to standards that were top of the line just a few years ago.

Still have questions? Let us know and we’ll be happy to help!

Upcoming Rides



Tour de Houston


Dennis Johnson Park (38 mi)

7:30 AM - Meet the team at the park gates (709 Riley Fuzzel Rd., Spring, TX) for a no-drop training ride around the Spring area.


Terry Hershey Park

8:00 AM - Join us for a ride through the park - the trail will be flagged off and snacks will be provided.



Veloway (3 to 15 mi)

9:00 AM - Meet at the Veloway and take this bike-specific 3.1 mile paved loop through the woods in Southwest Austin. Mini info session for all.


Walnut Creek (15 or 25 mi)

9:00 AM - Starting from Govalle Park, follow the Walnut Creek trail up to MLK for the short ride and all the way to Decker Lake for the longer option. Snacks at OMG Squee.


Rosedale Ride (42 or 62 mi)

7:30 AM - Choose your distance. Be sure to register in advance. North Austin ride raising money for AISD's Rosedale school, which provides services to special-needs kids and young adults. Arrive by 7:30, wheels down at 8:00 AM.


Baguette (40 mi)

8:30 AM - Start on East Side and ride out to Baguette et Chocolat for snacks and back along Bee Caves Rd.


BOSL (35 mi)

8:30 AM - Start from Mellow Johnny's, ride down into Southwest Austin and back around via Church Hill.

a boy giving a cylist a high five during the MS Society bike ride

What is MS

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, unpredictable disease of the central nervous system. MS interferes with the way the brain communicates with the body, causing intense fatigue, numbness and tingling, blurred vision, poor coordination, imbalance, pain, depression and problems with memory and concentration. Less commonly MS may cause tremors, paralysis and blindness.

MS Patient Tania MS-patient_Tania-Bentley

Who is Impacted

Most people are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50, although children and older adults may develop MS as well. Worldwide, more than 2.3 million people have a diagnosis of MS, and nearly 1 million of those people are in the US. There is no cure for MS - people with the disease face a lifetime of unpredictable, often devastating symptoms.

How Do We Help?

The Texas MS 150 is the single largest fundraiser for the National MS Society in the world, and is part of a network of rides across the country that are making a difference. To date, Bike MS cyclists, volunteers, and donors have raised more than $1.3 billion to stop MS in its tracks, restore what's been lost, and end MS forever.

When you ride the Texas MS 150, every cent that you raise goes right to the MS Society to drive research towards a cure and provide support and services for those living with MS. Recent advancements, driven in large part by the work of the National MS Society have increased quality of life and increased life expectancy for people with Multiple Sclerosis. With this ride, you can help them get that final mile and end MS for good.

Learn more at